Boosting Beaufort's image with fantastic video

A still from the video.

Hoping to give a more casual, accessible, and grand view of Beaufort's scenic and historic offerings, the Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce Visitor & Convention Bureau has launched a video introduction — and a pretty slick one at that.

Unfortunately you'll have to hop on over to Vimeo to watch it — go take a gander, we'll wait.

While it's easy to see this drawing in more tourist dollars, we could also see it doing much to renew interest in Beaufort-area film production — something that has been much sought.

The video (which much of was shot from a camera rig atop a Segway) caption reads, "Welcome to our Destination - a place known for its sweeping waterway views surrounded by live oak trees covered in Spanish moss, shrimp boats resting comfortably on their docks, unforgettable sunsets, beautiful antebellum homes and more than 300 years of unique history. It all comes together in this incredible two-minute video, showcasing why this destination is truly amazing and a must-see for yourself. The video doesn’t even begin to capture all there is to see and do in this vacation hot-spot - for information including lodging, dining, shopping, tours, attractions, Marine Corps graduations and more, visit"

There's also a six-page companion PDF on "locations and information".

The producing company is Osprey HD out of Columbia.