Flickr user Mr. T. in DC
The environment, development, suburbia, and lifestyle will be top issues at a free quarterly series on environmental issues facing the community.
The Carolinas chapter of the Congress for New Urbanism will host its first in a serious of lectures this starting this Wednesday, February 16, at 6 p.m. in the auditorium of the Technical College of the Lowcountry's Beaufort campus.
Speaking at the first installment is author of The Geography of Nowhere and The Long Emergency is James Howard Kunstler. He argues that declining oil production will likely lead to the end of industrialized society as we know it, forcing Americans to live in smaller-scale, localized, more agrarian.
The event is open free to the public.
Future speakers area Charlotte based journalist Mary Newsome, sustainable agriculture advocate Farmer D (Daron Joffe), and Brookings Institution urban land strategist Christopher Leinberger. We'll let you know when dates have been scheduled for those three.
The CNU is a 20-year-old organization which prides itself in "walkable, mixed-use neighborhood development, sustainable communities and healthier living conditions."
For more information on the CNU, check out thier website.
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