From a similar 2011 event in Charleston County.
The Clean Marine Beaufort programĀ aims to keep residents from dumping their small watercraft and other marine trash in the rivers through education and by providing free dumpster service this November.
From November 2 to 4, abandoned boats, old fishing gear, discarded equipment and building materials will be collected.
Volunteers will be on hand to coordinate collection Nov. 2 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. and Nov. 3-4 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the following locations:
* Grays Hill Landing
* Bluffton Oyster Factory Park
* Broad River Bridge Landing/Fishing Pier
* C.C. Haig Landing
* Port Royal Landing Marina
* Benny Hudson Seafood Dock
* Port Royal Commercial Dock
* Broad Creek Marina
* Edgar Glenn Landing (Old Lemon Island Marina)
* Palmetto Bay Marina
* Buddy & Zoo/Station Creek Landing
Acceptable items for disposal include motors, anchors, dock lines, crab traps, nets, coolers, scrap material and accessories. No oils, fuel, solvents, paint or cleaners will be accepted at this event. Large items, including watercraft and trailers, and restricted fluids must be coordinated through Beaufort County Solid Waste and Recycling, call (843) 255-2734.
This event is organized by the South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium, Beaufort County Public Works, Beaufort Soil & Water Conservation District and a broad coalition of community partners like the S.C. Department of Natural Resources. The overall project is supported through grants from the University of Georgia SEA-MDI/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boat US Foundation, and a United Parcel Service grant to Keep America Beautiful.