8:07 am on Monday November 8, 2010
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Beaufort talk to address integrating academic institutions in small towns
Flickr user sunbeam93
The Beaufort chapter of the Congress for the New Urbanism will host a talk in Beaufort on Wednesday that will address integrating academic institutions in small towns.
The talk will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at Beaufort City Hall and will feature notable urbanist Dhiru Thadani.
Here's what's expected from the lecture, via an email sent out last week:
Dhiru is a long time CNU member and a recent Seaside Prize winner, truly one of this generations best urbanists. Dhiru is going to discuss his new book The Language of Towns & Cities while also discussing the role of public institutions with in towns and cities. The application to the Beaufort area will be helping us to understand what we should expect from our institutions such as USCB, TCL, Beaufort Memorial and also our local government buildings too.
For more information check out the the CNU Beaufort Facebook page.