4:44 am on Monday September 20, 2010
| Posted by Ken Hawkins
Big waves and rip current risks remain to day in Beaufort
Flickr user drobnikm
While Hurricane Igor is stlll pretty far from Beaufort, we'll still be feeling its currents and waves.
The National Weather Service is warning (is that promising, for you surfers?) that the five-foot waves will continue with an occasional one reaching up to seven feet at Hunting Island and other Beaufort area beaches.
But along with that swell does come intensified rip currents, so be safe and don't wear yourself too thin if you do decide to go swimming. And remember to never fight a rip current but swim out of it. Someone already died while swimming at Hunting Island earlier this month thanks to heavy rip currents.
Oh, and it's expected that by tomorrow morning the waves will be far far less.