Flickr user Márcio Cabral de Moura
Update: Don't forget that Saturday's the big day.
We've never been very good at building sandcastles, but still we love to see what the more capable locals brew up,
And wit that, know that the 2011 sandcastle contest will be held Saturday, July 30, on Hunting Island from 1 to 4 p.m.
Register at the lighthouse picnic area and the Heritage Steel Band will be playing beach music during the contest.
Gather your kids, friends, co-workers or put a team together and enter as and individual or teamsThe awards presentation will be at 3:30. Prizes will be awarded in each category.Tools Permitted: Hand and sculpting tools including: buckets, shovels, sand scoops,carving tools, putty knives, spray bottles for water, kitchen utensils, and use only natural materials found on or near the beach. Decorations such as shells, reeds, and small rocks may be used. No artificial decorations or materials are permitted (exception: category # 5 below.)Categories:1: Sand Fleas (up to 8 years old – Must have an adult as a leader)2: Sand Hoppers (ages 9 –15)3: Sand Tribes (families)4: Sand Shapers (adult or small team of adults)5: Sand Fantasies – (only families with children age 7 and under); Multi-media presentation – artificial decorations or materials permitted – dolls or action figures plus small accessoriesJudging will be based on originality, composition and technique.For more details contact Nancy Grimaldi at secretary@friendsofhuntingisland.org or (843) 838-0822.