2:36 pm on Monday November 8, 2010
| Posted by Ken Hawkins
Travel + Leisure readers: The Lowcountry's full of sexy people (and the cities aren't bad either)
Flickr user Stuck in Customs
Beaufort doesn't get highlighted on a lot of big lists, but when both Savannah and Charleston knock it out of the park, we're going to go ahead and infer a little love for Beaufort.
When Travel + Leisure readers were asked to rank 35 well known American cities they put Savannah and Charleston at the top of the list (number 1 and 2, respectively.)
In the annual America's Favorite Cities guide readers of the publication ranked cities ranging from Savannah to D.C. to Portland on a myriad of factors from boutique hotels (Charleston's No. 1, Savannah No. 2) to friendliness (No. 1, 2, again) to ethnic food (boooo, we're No. 21, 23 there) to Savannah getting slammed at No. 26 for farmers markets.
All-in-all we did quite well coming in No. 2 overall (just behind Savannah, again with the booing), but we were No. 1 according to locals.
Enough rehashing though, go check out the results here.