Beaufort County's got a brand new website and it wants to tell you all about it (updated)

She says her name is Corey, and she will embarrass you if your speakers are set too loud.

Updated September 22: The Island Packet's county reporter has blogged on some of the issues the new county website is continuing to experience. He even throws a “404 — File or directory not found” reference in there. Way to play to the techies.

Reported September 15: No, really, the site does want to tell you all about itself -- when you load up the homepage for the fist time a video of "Corey" pops up and tells you a bit about what's new and how to use the site.

All in all it's still a government site through and through but the new design ads a heavy splash of color and some more aesthetic elements, like a slideshow on the homepage of upcoming events. 

In my opinion it's an improvement though the much-touted new communication tools of geocaching, Twitter, and Facebook have yet to make their debut.

Their @bcgovsc Twitter account still has no tweets and the Facebook link is inactive, and despite my efforts I couldn't find mention of geocaching. Still, at least they seem poised to move in those directions.

Check out the site at

Now if only I can figure out why the first result in Google,, is still the old design ... launch hiccups, I suppose.

9 The old design, may she rest in peace.