The new proposed lot type "E"
Thanks to perhaps a combination of the rain and a small agenda there was a light turnout at the Tuesday, January 25, Beaufort City Council meeting.
There were perhaps as many elected and city officials as private citizens in attendance.
Libby Anderson started off the meeting by saying the proposal for the Olive Garden in the Beaufort Town Center was now an appropriate proposal. And was a matter of minutes later that all council present voted in favor of the rezoning to allow for a minimum build hight of 20 feet and a setback of 32 feet on first reading.
"To hold it up further doesn't make sense," said Mayor Billy Keyserling.
And moments later the council passed the first reading of a rezoning of a lot at 1403 Greenlawn Drive to Marsh Gardens Planned Unit Development.
And then the lights went out at city hall went out a city hall and Councilman Mike McFee jested that perhaps they should reconsider the vote.
And council then adjourned after a total of 15 minutes.
Councilman Gary Fordham was absent.
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