6:43 am on Monday April 11, 2011
| Posted by Ken Hawkins
Former Beaufort County, city officials have big impact on Atlanta suburbs
Flickr user flc
There was an interesting piece in Sunday's Atlanta Journal Constitution regarding new semi-private models of government that are being embraced by some of Atlanta's suburbs.
The Beaufort angle here is that fomer Beaufort County Administrator John Kachmar leads one of those suburbs, while former Beaufort City Manager John McDonough leads another.
When McDonough left for Sandy Springs some five years ago to form that city, the municipality hired a private firm to handle all of the city hall staffing functions.
Now Johns Creek, which is led by Kachmar (who didn't exactly leave Beaufort County on the best terms), is looking at a new model that splits up which firms receive the private contracts, while other functions are kept under a public control of sorts.
While this is a bit of inside baseball in terms of city planning, the article does serve our "where are they now?" curiosity.