Flickr user muffet
Downtown Charleston is much bigger and much more cramped than downtown Beaufort. That said, it also has its similarities.
Charleston's residents tired of downtown workers and tourists clogging residential streets to avoid parking fees, and businesses worry about high parking rates and prohibitive parking rules driving away would-be diners and holiday shoppers.
Beaufort already seems set to follow Charleston's example of residential parking passes.
And Charleston may be setting another example for us to follow as Beaufort's parking woes continue to grow and our commercial zones of "Uptown" and Town Center expand their offerings: The City of Charleston Downtown Charleston is much bigger and much more cramped than downtown Beaufort. That said, it also has its similarities.
Its residents tired of downtown workers and tourists avoiding parking fees and clogging residential streets and businesses woried about high parking rates and prohibitive parking rules driving away would-be customers and holiday shoppers.
We already seem set to follow Charleston's example of residential parking passes.
And Charleston may be setting another example for us to follow as Beaufort's parking woes continue to grow and the commercial zones of "Uptown" and Town Center continue to grow. The City of Charleston has partnered with other local groups to sponsor a free downtown shuttle to move tourists, students, and shoppers around the core shopping area for free.
So let me pitch this scenario: We're a few years out and the economy is once again at a bustle downtown Beaufort is alive and the debate for parking garage is alive again, USCB's art campus dream is alive and more college kids live downtown and are walking back and forth between the area's poorer neighborhoods and bars by foot at night, Uptown is growing and parking is scarce there now too, and Town Center is starting to attract its own tourist and shopping gems.
While these three are within walking distance few are likely to do so and few like to drive a park so many times.
Beaufort may do well to start looking for partners (like USCB, Town Center/Uptown, and Main Street Beaufort) to support a cirucular shuttle root that would make the area safer, and it shops and restaurants far closer and more convienent. It would be good for the area's individual businesses and the apeal of the enitre region, and good at keeping employees from parking on your front lawn.
Staying at the City Loft Hotel and want to go get dinner at Yest Thai Indeed? There'd be no need to worry about parking or drinking too much, just jump on the free shuddle that runs every 15.
">has partnered with other local groups to sponsor a free downtown shuttle to move tourists, students, and shoppers around the core shopping area for free.
So let me pitch this scenario: It's a few years out and the economy is once again at a bustle, downtown Beaufort is alive and the debate for a parking garage is alive again, USCB's art campus dream is alive, more college kids live downtown and are walking back and forth between the area's poorer neighborhoods and bars by foot at night, Uptown is growing and parking is scarce there now too, and Town Center is starting to attract its own tourist and shopping gems.
While these three districts are within walking distance few locals or visitors are likely to do so and few like to drive and park so many times.
(In fact a shuttle that ran between downtown and the new city complex at Boundary and Ribaut would put two grocery stores within reach of those in downtown without cars, and could do a lot to make the city more green in its traffic trips on the evermore congested Boundary-Carteret stretch.)
Beaufort may do well to start looking for partners (like USCB, Town Center/Uptown, and Main Street Beaufort) to support a circular shuttle route that would make the area safer, and it shops and restaurants far closer and more convenient. It would be good for the area's individual businesses and the appeal of the entire region, and good at keeping employees from parking on your front lawn.
Staying at the City Loft Hotel and want to go get dinner at Yes Thai Indeed? There'd be no need to worry about parking or drinking too much, just jump on the free shuttle that runs every 15.