A BBQ is coming to The Arsenal on Saturday, April 14.
The Junior Service League of Beaufort (JSLB) will host the JSLB BBQ on Saturday, April 14, from 6 to 10:30 p.m. at 809 Port Republic Street in downtown Beaufort to raises funds for the league's grant process to benefit agencies and organizations serving women, children and families.
Tickets for the event are now on sale for $40 per person and include a BBQ buffet catered by Q on Bay, open bar, silent auction, and live music by The Broke Locals. Tickets may be purchased online at www.jslbeaufort.org
"This is the 7th year of the BBQ and over the past six years the event has raised over $100,000 for our community. It is a fun event and one that we look forward to each year. The more successful the fundraiser, the greater impact we are able to make," said Emily Harris, league president.