If you're interested in starting a business that targets the Hispanic community, or if you're Hispanic and looking to start a business, the Beaufort Regional Chamber has a few classes that may be for you.
The chamber has partnered with a number of area businesses to offer the below sessions on April 16 and May 7, 21.
Marketing & Customer Service
Monday, April 16 7-9pm, USCB Gateway Campus, Hargray Bldg, Room 160
The benefits of doing business with the Hispanic market, a profile of the Hispanic market, & how non-Hispanic businesses can market to Hispanic businesses and individuals
Monday, April 16 5-8pm, La Isla Magazine, 21F Dillon Rd, Hilton Head
Monday, May 7 5-8pm, USCB Beaufort Campus Sandstone Bldg, OLLI Room
Business Technologies
Monday, May 21 7-9pm, USCB Gateway Campus, Hargray Bldg, Room 160
Contact Jayson Gardner at 843.525.8526 or email jayson@beaufortsc.org to register.
Partnering to provide the courses are La Isla Magazine, USCB's Small Business Development Center, Mission Resource Group and NetOps. All programs will be conducted in English.