In an apparent attempt to quickly sell a number of family property items at a competitive rate, several iconic Beaufort properties that have been part of the Trask family estate will head to auction on March 15.
As for those properties: The 220-acre Cane Island, Port Republic Square (home of Nippy's, the old Piggly Wiggly, and a surface parking lot that for years has been talked about as the site of a parking deck), and a four-bedroom Bay Street mansion are just a partial list of the items up for highest bidder take all (most with a minimum bid, of course).
I'll point you to The Island Packet's report for the best info I've seen yet (take a read here) and you can see all the details on the properties up for auction at the National Auction Group webpage (see those here).
The auction begins on Thursday, March 15, at 2 p.m. at 1015 Bay Street (the Best Western), registration is at 1 p.m.
If all -- or even just a few -- of those properties sell, it could be an end of an era.