Travel Writer Katherine Tandy Brown in Bamberg, Germany
You can manifest paid-for trips to exotic destinations or travel on your own and earn back your expenses just by writing a story about your experience. Freelance travel writers do both and a class at Technical College of the Lowcountry shows you how. Learn the qualities of a good travel writer, types of stories and markets, tips to make travel easy and fun, and the nuts and bolts of writing a story that editors will snap right up!
Instructor Katherine Tandy Brown, a successful freelance writer for 24 years, also teaches at USC Beaufort and leads workshops on freelance magazine writing, travel writing, memoir writing, nature writing and kids' writing camps for 5th - 7th graders.
Travel Right...Travel Write! - Monday Evenings, April 7 - 28, 6 - 8 p.m. Beaufort Campus $89 To register: (843)525-8205 or www.tcl.edu/life