Image by Ken Hawkins/TheDigitelImage by 20081208-pecha.jpg
Plans are already underway for the second Pecha Kucha Night Charleston for possibly January 21, 28 or February 4 -- but they're looking for some folks to help out.
Read more stories on this subject in our Pecha Kucha topic page.In an e-mail:
Thank you for your participation and interest in PKN. The amount of participation and interest in PKN was overwhelming! We anticipated 150 attendees and actually had over 250 people RSVP for the event. We already have plans for the next PKN in late January or early February (potential dates include January 21, 28 or February 4) with an entire slate of speakers that have already asked to participate.
We want to know if you have interest in joining the team of volunteers that produces PKN and have opportunities for helping organize the event to photographing or filming the next PKN. If you are interested in presenting at one of the sessions or your company would be interested in providing funding assistance, location space etc please let us know by sending an email with PKN in the subject line to rsvp [at] pechakuchacharleston.com or by calling Beth Meredith at 843-529-6293.