Post and Courier's rack price increasing (confirmed)

Image by Thanks @tjeffreyImage by 20090313-price.jpg

The Post and Courier's rack price has succumb to the rising cost of newsprint and declining circulation: Starting Monday you'll be shelling out 75 cents for Monday daily issues, and $1.75 for Sundays.

We're still looking for details about why from someone at the paper, but right now all we have to go on are these inserts into some news racks

I know it's not that uncommon of a move, but it just seems like a crazy amount to pay when you can go to their Web site.

We hear they may be some other changes coming at The Post and Courier on Monday, too. But we'll have to wait and see.

Update March 15: Finally have some confirmation and the rate does apply to all daily issues. Though, they're not exactly shouting about it; it was in a story titled "To our readers."

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