8:11 am on Friday September 23, 2011
| Posted by Melissa Byers
Would public transportation within Carolina Forest change your life?
TheDigitel Myrtle Beach on Flickr
Coast RTA is considering bringing public transportation to the Carolina Forest area given its quick rate of growth over the past several years. So the question is, if there were stops offered at subdivisions, shopping centers, and recreational facilities, would you take the bus?
At this month's meeting of the Carolina Forest Civic Association, representatives from Coast RTA surveyed residents on this very topic. If you're interested in a new service, which hasn't been finalized, fill out this survey on the their website and request a new route. If you're not in favor, why? Does bus traffic on Carolina Forest Boulevard concern you? If you are in support of the new service tell us how these bus routes will help the area. Weigh-in with a comment below.
You can check out this WMBF article for more information about the meeting and proposed service.