"This Week around Walkers Woods" is a weekly community column written for the neighborhood of Walkers Woods, but pertains to the entire Carolina Forest community.
Hello, neighbors. I’m coming to you 6 pounds lighter after just one week on the Herbalife plan, and I feel great. Walkers Woods resident Bonnie Mills set the positive example of a healthy lifestyle and weight loss plan earlier this year, and my wife and I have jumped on the bandwagon. But Monica didn’t warn me that a Wii dance class would be part of the deal.
Shout out to Walkers Woods resident Brian Mills for heading up the plans for next year’s Carolina Forest Fair. Some of the things in discussion include a parade, a Ferris wheel and carnival rides, crafts, pony rides, hay rides, live music, lots of great food and much more. Brian told me there might even be a Miss Carolina Forest pageant.
Families in the Forest, which is chaired by Brian’s wife, Colleen, will be very involved with the plans for the fair. They need plenty of volunteers. If you were unable to attend the meeting this past Tuesday, Families in the Forest is meeting again at 6pm Tuesday, August 30, upstairs at Kroger. They are also planning to hold future meetings in The Farm. Dates & times will be announced soon.
Hats off to The Farm’s HOA for graciously offering the free use of their clubhouse for monthly Families in the Forest meetings, which Plantation Lakes has also done for the Civic Association’s public relations committee. By doing so, these neighborhood HOA’s are encouraging their residents to become more involved in the community. That makes The Forest a better place for everybody.
If you haven’t yet had a chance to jam with Broken Strings, Walkers Woods resident Grayson Clark’s band, then you need to get out to the Market Common this Friday, July 29, from 6-9pm at the gazebo. It’s part of Music in the Streets. They also take the stage at 8:30pm Mondays in Plyler Park, by the Skywheel, as part of Myrtle Beach Hot Summer Nights. This band rocks all summer long.
The Carolina Forest Civic Association had their monthly membership meeting last week. President Dennis DiSabato was unable to attend, so vice president Chuck Rhome presided for the first time, and did a fine job.
Everything is looking good for the second annual Chronicle Challenge golf tournament on Saturday, August 6. Volunteers are still needed, and slots are still available for more golfers if you want to sign up. Go to www.CarolinaForestCivicAssociation.com for more information.
Bob Gagne, head of the public safety committee, had a very productive meeting with Paul Whitten, Assistant Administrator of Public Safety for Horry County. One of the topics discussed was the insufficient signage around Horry County Fire Station #39 on Carolina Forest Blvd. The county has agreed to post more visible signs. School zone speed limit signs will be posted on Gateway Drive, as well.
They also discussed the need for better communication between Horry County and the SC Forestry Commission during wildfires. I discussed communication between the county and the public with Randy Webster of Horry County Emergency Management, which I wrote about in the July 14 column. But one additional point which came out of Bob’s meeting with Paul Whitten is that the county wants to put more emphasis on their Facebook pages as means to quickly get information out to the public in emergency situations.
If you are on Facebook, be sure to check out the official pages for the Horry Co. Police Dept and Horry Co. Fire Rescue. I have been a “fan” of those pages for some time now, and they are great sources of information.
This month’s guest speaker was Sgt. Robert Kegler of the Horry Co. Police Dept, discussing the Neighborhood Watch program. A well organized program has a neighborhood commander who reports to the block captains. The block captains report to the individual households on their streets. This system keeps communication consistent and prevents untrue information from circulating.
Log on to www.walkerswoodsatcarolinaforest.com frequently for POA information. If you are on Facebook, check out the Walkers Woods at Carolina Forest page to connect with your neighbors. And if you have any items you would like me to include in this column, please send them to me at walkerswoodsnews@gmail.com. Stay cool, and I’ll see you at the pool. Have a great week.