Update May 7: More about the flap.
Update May 5: If you'd like to know a bit more about the what and why of the poster, The Post and Courier has a short but respectable post about the poster (the best I've found anyways); read it here. Also worth noting is that the Spoleto work resembles her well-recieved 2006 work Atlas Landscape.
First reporting: Perhaps most famous for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Maya Lin has been selected as the designer of the 2010 Spoleto Festival USA poster.
Her work often draws a sense of place. In a feature about her on Art:21, Lin's work is described as drawing "inspiration for her sculpture and architecture from culturally diverse sources, including Japanese gardens, Hopewell Indian earthen mounds, and works by American earthworks artists of the 1960s and 1970s."
This year's poster is called "From Rhode Island to South Carolina." (37" x 25")
You can buy the poster on Spoleto's Web site for $25.
You can see shots from the unveiling on our Flickr photo account.