Image by 20091029-mega.jpg
On Thursday, November 5th, Redux Contemporary Art Center will unveil 'Mega Churches,' a photography exhibition by artist Joe Johnson.
The exhibit sounds super interesting, just get a load of the subject matter:
Mega Churches have inspired thousands of Christian worshippers to gather within vast post-modern architectural spaces across the nation. Megalithic in size, these converted Hilton hotels and restored theaters are transformed into halls of prayer each Sunday through performative rituals and multimedia spectacles. are transformed into halls of prayer each Sunday through performative rituals and multimedia spectacles. Most definitions require that a minimum of 2000 worshippers must attend the weekend service for the building to attain the “Mega Church” status.
Johnson’s photographs attempt to reveal the mechanics of creating faith by capturing the wires, computers, light bulbs, and cords that are used to construct mysteries on stage for the faithful.
On opening night, November 5th, Redux has invited Johnson to lecture about his work beginning at 5:30 p.m. The lecture will be followed by an opening reception from 6 to 9 p.m.