Image by Flickr user erikoganImage by 20090723-chef.jpg
On August 6, Louie's Kids and five local chefs are teaming up for a Big Chef/Little Chef cook-off with the proceeds going toward stopping childhood obesity.
Participating chefs include Nico Romo from Fish, Michelle Weaver from Charleston Grill, Bob Carter from Peninsula Grill, Craig Diehl from Cypress, and Marc Collins from Circa 1886.
Here's details from an e-mailed release:
Louieskids.org, a locally based national non-profit that helps overweight and obese children, will host a fundraiser to help fund after-school programs for Title I school children who are struggling with obesity. After a session in the kitchen creating their masterpieces, the kids and the chefs will present their recipes in an iron chef format.
The prepared dishes will be available for small samples and attendees will vote by ballot on who best answered the question with their food presentations. The Chefs are Nico Roma from Fish, Michelle Weaver from Charleston Grill, Bob Carter from Peninsula Grill, Craig Diehl from Cypress and Marc Collins from Circa 1886. Tickets are $35 in advance and $40 @ the door. Email Louis@louieskids.org to purchase tickets (beer & wine & samples included in ticket price). All proceeds benefit Louie's Kids.org in the quest to end childhood obesity.
The event runs from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Civic Design Center at 85 Calhoun Street in downtown Charleston.