Come partake in Carrotmob documentary at Yo Burrito

Image by Geoff Marshall/TheDigitelImage by 3436201356_8a8c8e4bca.jpg Become part of the Carrotmob legend.

Join Green Drinks in their Carrotmob documentary filming on Wednesday, May 13th, at Yo Burrito.

Here's what the group said about it in an e-mail:

Green Drinks will film the last few segments of our Carrotmob documentary and we want you to be included. Join us for a cocktail or a bite to eat and at the same time, get on film and share with the world what sustainability means to you. Many of you are working on wonderful projects, have launched a business, or plan to do so...Justin Nathanson, from The Cut Company, has spent a lot of time filming and editing this Carrotmob documentary for the benefit of everyone!

It's Wednesday (that's today), May 13th at 6:30 p.m. at Yo Burrito, 86 Wentworth Street.

Don't know what the heck "Carrotmob" is? We talked about it before.