Image by Amazon.com Yep, Corral did that.
Graphic designer Rodrigo Corral has designed some of the most amazing and most memorable book covers in recent memory, including James Frey’s "A Million Little Pieces"; all the covers for author Chuck Palanuick and most recently, hip-hop artist Jay Z’s book, "Decoded."
This Thursday, May 12th, the American Institute of Graphic Arts is hosting a very special evening featuring the one and only Mr. Corral. The event is scheduled to take place at 301 B King Street with a social hour beginning at 5:30 p.m., followed by a lecture at 6:30 p.m.
It is easy to get lost scanning through the expansive and impressive collection of Corral's design work. You can take the long trip through his work on his official website or take the thumbnail tour through The Book Cover Archive. In addition, the Ooligan Press has a great piece on Corral, his drive and his design influence; read it here.
The cost to tend Thursday night's event is $10 for members and $20 for non-members. Register online.