Image by Flickr user william couch
As you probably know, every Tuesday at 5 p.m. The Charleston Beer Exchange taps something extraordinary on the growler station for growler fills -- this week is a double feature.
The beers on tap tonight are from the New Holland Brewing Company, out of Holland, Michigan. The two high gravity beers are Dragon's Milk Ale aged in oak barrels and Pilgrim's Dole Wheat Wine. Both of these wonderful beers are extremely rare to find on draft.
Dragon's Milk weighs in at 9% ABV and is aged in used 1st and 2nd fill Heaven Hill Bourbon Barrels which give this stout-like beer wonderful depths of vanilla and oak. Pilgrim's Dole weighs in at a whopping 11% ABV and is referred to as a "Wheat Wine" by the brewery. A kind of barleywine-style ale, but brewed using 50% wheat. This beer is then barrel aged in the used barrels that have previously held Dragon's Milk.
Get your growler topped off at The Charleston Beer Exchange located at 14 Exchange Street.