9:33 am on Tuesday February 14, 2012
| Posted by Amanda Click
Treat your taste buds to Thirsty Dog's Orthus Belgian Dubbel
Image by Flickr user kamienok
For the third and final installment in the Thirsty Dog Bourbon Barrel-aged Rare Beer Tuesday series, the Charleston Beer Exchange is tapping Thirsty Dog Bourbon Barrel-aged Orthus for growler fills.
In Greek Mythology, Orthus was the two-headed hell hound brother of Cerberus, the three-headed dog that guarded the gates of hell. Orthus the beer is a 7% Belgian-style Dubbel (malty, complex brown ale) that, in this case, has been aged in Bourbon barrels to impart notes of vanilla, caramel, oak and Bourbon. Orthus sports 7 grains, 3 hops and Trappist high gravity yeast.
This is the first time this beer has been available in the Charleston area, and it is getting tapped tonight at 5 p.m.
The photo shows that the dog really like to drink that beer. The ingredients used in this drink are really good for health and also gives good taste to the drink. The superior papers review says that many are ordering this beer among other ones. As this is more healthy than others.