7:30 am on Saturday May 7, 2011
| Posted by Amanda Click
Sea Turtle Hospital releasing six mended patients back into the wild
Image by Flickr user danbodenstein
South Carolina Aquarium's Sea Turtle Hospital invites the public out on Saturday evening to watch as six special sea turtles are released back into their natural habitat.
The release is scheduled for Saturday, May 7th, at 5 p.m. at the Isle of Palms County Park. With a record 22 patients receiving treatment at the Sea Turtle Hospital, this weekend's release will open up some much needed space for new patients.
Being released this weekend are three loggerheads, Pirate, Palmer, and Hilton; and three endangered Kemp's Ridleys, St. Catherine, Hyde, and Guardian.
If you plan to attend, it is highly encouraged that you arrive early to get parking and avoid lines, as these events attract quite a crowd. The Isle of Palms County Park is located at 1-14th Avenue.