10:37 am on Thursday March 4, 2010
| Posted by Ken Hawkins
It's been a decades-long road to the Charleston Wine + Food Festival
Image by Flickr user mr • p
Turn back the clock to 1980 and the thought of a Charleston Wine + Food Festival would have been laughable.
Depending on where you'd like to draw the taste-bud line, it took until the end of the first decade in the 21st century for Charleston to really earn a standing in the food world.
And with the 5th annual Charleston Wine + Food Festival starting today, March 4th, and running through Sunday the 7th, The Post and Courier has put together a very nice retrospective on the last half-century of culinary evolution in Charleston; read that piece here.
And if you're just walking into the festival you can check out their Web site to learn more, or take a read of the Charleston City Paper's duet of posts on the festival's official and unofficial events.