Image by Flickr user CrazyUncleJoe-MoPho
Ted’s Butcherblock is counting down the days until summer with a fundraising initiative to benefit local charity “Feed the Need.”
Tickets for a chance to win a Big Green Egg will be available at the downtown butcher shop and gourmet market starting today, May 10th.
The Big Green Egg is a popular grill and smoker that is used at Ted’s to create many of the shop’s signature smoked items. The Egg for this giveaway was donated by the Firehouse Casual Living Store of Mt. Pleasant.
Tickets are available for $5/each or 5/$20, with proceeds benefiting “Feed the Need.” The charity, started by Charleston Grill’s Mickey Bakst, is a coalition of 52 restaurants, caterers and hoteliers who have rallied to help feed the hungry and assist local emergency food providers as they face budget cuts and increasing demands.
Tickets will be available for purchase at Ted’s Butcherblock, located at 344 East Bay Street, through June 18th. The winner will be announced at Ted’s Backyard Barbecue Block Party on the same date.