There is a ring of bad lawyers who steal from inocent citizens and breach fiduciary duties to that client. In addition to the headliner, Elizabeth Hoover, broke the law with Falsification of Notary and knowingly submitted perjured documents into the court. Judge Jack Landis who is the best friend of Hoover's boss, then took money from that same citizen when that citizen did not even have a job. The SC law states "the ability to pay".... The citizen did not have the ability to pay without a job! And, a judge sitting in "conflict of interest" is not allowed in the courts.
Further, perjury was brought to attention of Judge Wayne Creech, Judge Snelgrove and Judge McGowan! Perjury is not acceptable in any court of law by anyone? Remember, they sent Martha Stewart to jail for that! Here we have not one but two people with documented perjury in a court of law and four (4) judges have not addressed it. That, in itself is questionable. The case of that perjurer and his criminal committing attorney with her criminal friends is over, as there is no creditibility for any of those people! And keep in mind, the fraud and the perjury are documented and the documents have now been submitted into the court. Again, questionable how four (4) judges have not addressed not only the perjury, but the fraudulent court order that Hoover was forced to admit to in court on August 6, 2012 in front of Judge Snelgrove, with a third party witness in the courtroom.
Instead they have another criminal behaving attorney who took money from the citizen (a woman) who deliberately and artificially defaulted the case against the woman who he claimed to represent. Oh, that was Rhett Klok. The history of this is documented as Elisabeth Hoover had established that fact when her other friend became scared to become involved in the case, but held up the case prior to Rhett Klok's holding the case to create a default for his criminal friend, Hoover. There is a witness to that behavior by Klok as well. My friends are now attending court and listening to phone calls with me because they have law enforcement in their families and are concerned for my welfare.
There have been many CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS, EXCESSIVE MALPRACTICE and EXTENSIVE CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR BY COURT OFFICIALS. This is 2013, not 1913! A civil rights lawsuit is in order against this state and Berkeley county. This is a well documented case against the "so-called"court officials, which includes the clerks! Their lies have even been documented!
Please contact me thorugh this site if you have had a similar experience in either Berkeley or Charleston counties.....Criminal acts being committed against citizens who must depend on the courts are unacceptable. Numbers is the way to STOP the criminal behavior by the "so-called" court officials!
Let's work together to bring this to a close and put those who deserve it in jail!