Adding to full service downtown and West Ashley locations, Low Country Laundry & Dry Cleaners is proud to introduce a new drop off/pick up site at Mixson in North Charleston. Always open, the site adds accessibility as it features the LaundryMatic Locker system. This new convenient concept is self-managing for secure dry cleaning and laundry service.
“Our system is easy to use as customers just place garments in any open locker, add a 4 digit code to lock, text, call or fill out our online form and our van picks up their items,” said Low Country Laundry & Dry Cleaners owner Courtney Friedman. “When the laundry is ready, our clients receive an email and text with the locker number and code for pick up at their convenience.”
Founded in 2001, Low Country Laundry & Dry Cleaners is a full service dry cleaner and laundry service with free pick up and delivery as well as three convenient Charleston locations. Low Country Laundry & Dry Cleaners also services 36 hotels, 14 restaurants, and 6 hospitals plus commercial and residential accounts 6 days a week. In addition to wash/dry/fold and dry cleaning services, Low Country Laundry & Dry Cleaners handles everything from draperies and comforters to leather, suede and fur as well as bridal gown pressing, cleaning and restoration. Low Country Laundry & Dry Cleaners strives to provide the best customer service and overall quality available.
For additional information about Low Country Laundry & Dry Cleaners, visit