Al Parish investment debacle: Investors to get some cash from professional aids

The legendary Al Parish "Economan" graphic.

Remember Charleston's legendary tale of Al Parish, the economic's professor who led an investment fund that actually turned out to be a $66 million investment scheme?

If you do then you'll also recall that when the bubble burst it was expected that most of the several hundred investors would only be able to recover pennies on their dollar.

While the vine from Parish himself was drained of cash a long time back in 2008, investors can expect an infusion of some $1.75 million dollars from Parish's professional supporters: a lawyer and accounting firm.

The settlements come from the professionals having been accused of being negligent in their professional duties and allowing Parish to dupe the community.

But before they can be finalized they'll need to be signed off on.

I'll point you to The Post and Courier for a report on what's up (take a read here.)

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