Image by Flickr user trekkyandy
Coastal Electric Cooperative is teaming up with about 20 other energy providers in South Carolina in search of new ways to save on energy bill costs and waste.
The groups are conducting an experiment that will study the effects of 50 homes receiving energy efficient upgrades.
“Twenty-five homes are going to receive two appliances as upgrades in their homes, energy star appliances, and the other homes are either going to have tune ups or replacements on their HVAC systems,” explains Brain Hefner, Energy Services Specialist with Coastal Electric Cooperative.
Charleston area residents will feel the effects of the energy price hikes over the next 18 months if they are SCE&G customers. The raised electricity rates of around 9.5% are in anticipation of more expensive electricity generation costs.
ABC News 4 has more on what other energy saving tactics are being considered.