Pair of Folly Beach bridges to be replaced (update: repaving perplexion)

Image by Flickr user leff Ah, bridge work.

Update February 3: Locals are perplexed as to why a stretch slated to be replaced in the bridge work is being repaved now.

Locals are complaining that it's a waste of money (and the traffic delay probably isn't helping,) but The Post and Courier has some lucidity to share: bureaucratic overlap. 

Get the lowdown here.

First reporting October 21, 2010: The plans to replace SC Route 171 bridges over Folly Creek and Folly River are starting to gell and the S.C. Department of Transportation is looking to get permits to affect 3 acres of wetlands.

I'll spare you the rehashing of the press release about what's up and the start of the public comment period and just point you to The Post and Courier's post.

Here's a map of the two spans.

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