4:00 am on Saturday May 7, 2011
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The Academy for Technology and Academics a WMBF cool school
Flickr user: JSFauxtaugraphy
Local media outlet WMBF News is spotlighting a local "Cool School" throughout the month of May, and this week they've chosen The Academy for Technology and Academics.
Education is very important to us here at TheDigitel, and we think it is great that one of our local news outlets is taking the time to showcase some of the best schools - rather the coolest schools -all this month.
Like WMBF we strive to seek out some of the coolest things that our local schools may be doing. From the newest student play to an HGTC student artshow to an nationally known violin hip hop act performing at CCU. We want to be here for all of those who are doing interesting things -whether it's a school, business or just one person.
Head on over to WMBF and read their great write-up of The Academy for Technology and Academics and find out what makes them a "Cool School."
- Student Showcase HGTC Style (Update: Recap with video)
- Loris High School finalist in Vans Custom Culture Contest
- Loris Middle Wins Palmetto's Finest
- Horry County Schools teacher of the year
Are you a student or teacher who's involved with some cool or interesting things going on at your school? If so, sign up to The Open Community, and share your story with us and all of our readers.