3:44 am on Friday March 4, 2011
| Posted by Amanda Click
For downtown businesses, recycling isn't as easy as it looks (update: S.C. bill may mandate)
Image by Flickr user cafemama
Update March 4: Although Charleston businesses are just getting an early taste of public recycling service, a bill being considered would require bars and restaurants to come up with recycling plans when they apply for or renew alcohol licenses.
The Associated Press has a report on the bill that; read it here.
First reporting: Charleston businesses are all for going green, but the county makes that difficult when it doesn't have the resources to pick up recyclables, forcing businesses to hire outside companies for removal.
The household recycling pick-up is scheduled once every other week, which is fine for us, but restaurants and bars need daily pick-ups. This has forced downtown businesses into the habit of throwing bottles and cans away.
The Post and Courier has a great feature on the issue and what some are doing in attempts to remedy the recycling problem.