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Alvin Greene has been making headlines ever since after he miraculously beat out Vic Rawl to become the Democratic Party's nominee in the 2010 United States Senate election, and today is no exception.
The Post and Courier, thanks to the wonderful Freedom of Information Act, has found that despite what Greene has claimed, was unanimously denied an honorable discharge from the Air Force by a panel of his superiors.
The reasons why are the best part:
The five-member Air Force Discharge Review Board decided in July 2006 to uphold Greene's involuntary administrative discharge for issues with his performance ranging from improper dress, a messy dorm room and too-long lunch breaks to failure to retain knowledge, an inability to perform job tasks despite repeated training and a belief among his superiors that he should never be sent to combat.
The Post and Courier has a write-up on the discharge as well as a link to the dismissal military reports; read them here.