Image by Air ForceImage by 20080914train.jpg Airmen train at the Charleston Air Force Base in a simulated convoy strike.
The Post and Courier's Bryce Donovan got some first hand experience in what airmen experience before being sent oversees to places like Iraq and Afghanistan.
Donovan attended the Charleston Air Force Base's "Expeditionary Combat Skills Training." After going through it, they shared photos, a video, and a story from the experience. It's an interesting and enlightening read, here's an excerpt:
Even though it's only 9:14 a.m., it's already 84 degrees outside with about 600 percent humidity. Before I can even start to complain about how we have to wear a full chemical suit, gloves, gas mask and hood for almost an hour in the summer heat, Caputo reminds me that compared to the desert -- where most everybody here will be going -- this is a cake walk.
It's a stark reminder that this isn't a game. For many of these men and women, this will be the most thorough demonstration they'll get. And it could very well end up saving their lives.