11:08 am on Friday September 5, 2008
| Posted by Ken Hawkins
Hanna-related closures, reschedulings, and updates
Here's a round up of links to the schedules Hanna has messed up in the Charleston area:
- Many high school football games are rescheduled , and many in Charleston County may be pushed back to Monday.
- Many schools are closing or letting out early Friday. Read more.
- Charleston County offices are closed Friday.
- Charleston County libraries will be closed Friday, as are their book drops.
- Hospitals planning on not evacuating unless Hanna shapes up to be a category 3 or greater, which is unlikely.
- Airlines are starting to allow flexible rescheduling because of weather concerns, but no cancelations have been announced yet.
- The Charleston Airport has closed.
- Port activity will be slowing on Thursday, closed on Friday.
- Charleston's farmers market will be closed Saturday.
- Many schools are closing or letting out early Friday. Read more.
We'll be updating this throughout the next couple of days until the storm passes. Hannah is expected to pass by or through Charleston Friday afternoon, though effects of the storm will likely be felt far before then.
Follow storm updates on our hurricane page.
Also check out the closings list over at NBC News 2.