6:30 am on Tuesday November 8, 2011
| Posted by Melissa Byers
Acorns attracting black bears to North Myrtle Beach neighborhood
photo by flickr user Wherever I Roam
Black bear sightings are up in the Barefoot Resort neighborhood of North Myrtle Beach and officials say it's due to the large number of acorns falling from trees.
The sightings have become so frequent, as of late, that North Myrtle Beach's Department of Public Safety has issued a warning. It is suggested that you do not leave trash out over night, do not maintain pet food or bird feeders outdoors, keep pets indoors, and leashed while out, and taking general precautionary measures if you're outdoors.
You can find the full write-up, which includes a video and more safety tips, on WPDE. SCDNR also has some great resources for dealing with black bears in residential areas.
Related story: Coyotes could be to blame for pet disappearances in North Myrtle Beach