Image by Flickr user Kaptain Kobold Image by 20090304-lego-award.jpg
We're still leafing through The Charleston City Paper's "Best of Charleston 2009" special section. But I though I'd pause for a moment to point out two things of special interest.
First: The Post and Courier's Charleston.net has once again won for "Best Local Website."
Second: Little ol' TheDigitel.com has won for "Best Website We Didn't Realize We Worked For."
It's just another reminder that traditional media still is clueless about what we're doing -- and what they should be doing.
Because, dear readers, if you simply want aggregation, you'll be much better going to Google News and searching "Charleston."
If you want to get perspective on and links to the best coverage of Charleston, well then you're at the right place.
But, hey? Aren't we supposed to get a plaque?
Update March 4, afternoon: So, it's turning out to be more of a CP bashing fest' than I had anticipated. Yes, there's definitely a strong ting of "not getting it," but it's all in good fun.