4:01 am on Tuesday September 14, 2010
| Posted by Ken Hawkins
P&C implores Sen. Jim DeMint to get onboard with Charleston Harbor deepening earmark
Image by Flickr user williamcho
The situation is this, the Charleston Harbor needs to be deepened from 45 feet to 50 feet to handle a new generation of mega cargo ships. That will cost some $250 to $300 million, but before that can happen there needs to be a $400,000 study, and soon.
Charleston's ailing port is already behind in getting the ball rolling on a port deepening and, thus, an earmark is born.
Trouble is while our Sen. Lindsey Graham has been all for it, it's received a cold shoulder from our other Senator, Jim DeMint.
And so The Post and Courier is telling DeMint to pick his battles and start helping; read their column here.