4:43 am on Tuesday September 20, 2011
| Posted by Ken Hawkins
Gov. Haley relents on claim that S.C.'s jobless can't pass drug tests
Image by Flickr user Jeremy Brooks Is the glass half empty, or half full of drugs?
Remember how Gov. Nikki Haley was getting heat for a line about South Carolina's jobless being drug addicted?
If you forgot: "... half of them failed a drug test and the half that was left, of that 50 percent, the other half couldn't read and write properly."
Well, some 11 days after making that remark, Haley has done a rare about face and backed down. Perhaps most shockingly saying, "I’ve never felt like I had to back up what people tell me."
Perhaps that's a rule that might work for the common person, but as the leader of millions of people, one might hope that our governor would spend a bit more time making sure she's making policy decisions on good information.