Is S.C. keeping down the Folly Beach Brewing Company?

Image by Folly CurrentImage by 20091012-brew.jpg Local breweries, like the Folly Beach Brewing Company, who dare to grow in a down economy are prevented doing so by State legislation, or a lack thereof. What role might lobbyists representing large beer distributors play?

By Paul Robinson 

The Folly Beach Pub was opened in the spring of 2008 and sits at 34 Center Street, boasting a cozy atmosphere that attracts locals and visitors alike with its incredible selection of beers from all over the world. With smooth Americana/Folk-Bluegrass music from locals Jason Shore and John Irwin, the Folly Beach Pub features a relaxed scene and an opportunity to just sit back and take it all in.

Read more stories on this subject in our alcohol + politics topic page.The business is owned by Andy Cope, Will Smith, Matt Kacenga and Shawn Geouge, who met through the local social scene and their similar passion for surfing. Smith has been brewing beer for five years and enjoys every moment of it. "I have a lot of fun and it's got to be a love. The feeling you get when you taste your end result is the reward. And I'm here trying to brew beer and create a local micro-brewery for Folly Beach," says Smith. "We are excited to move into the fall season and make more traditional brews such as a Nut Brown Ale, and we are constantly searching for new and exciting things to brew. We offer different styles for different seasons and try to appeal to the public's taste."

"We came in and finally found this place. It was formerly a liquor store and we gutted it and hand built the inside using each of our own personal skills," says Kacenga.

But, will The Folly Beach Pub ever be able to actually earn the title of Brewery?

With some help from Anne Peterson Hutto, South Carolina House Representative for our beloved District 115, I attempted to interpret the code regarding brewing and distribution laws in South Carolina...

Keep reading about this controversial issue over at Folly Current.

Editors note: This certainly isn't the first time complaints have been voiced. Earlier this year Coast Brewing led an impassioned argument against the status quo.

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