S.C. Republicans launch new video: I'm a PC ... err Republican

Image by S.C. GOPImage by 20090916-scgop.jpg

Apparently the S.C. Republican Party rather likes Microsoft's "I'm a PC" ads.

Read more stories on this subject in our politics topic page.I'm not quite sure what to make of this ad, which is much how I felt about Microsoft's ads.

The ad seems designs to communicate, "Hey, there's lots of us Republicans in South Carolina and we don't all wear seersucker suits."

But being in South Carolina I never felt like I was one of only a few conservative-minded folks. And I'm not that surprised to see different genders.

Perhaps the only surprising thing about this was the scarcity of young people in it, and the whole oxymoron of "conservative change."

But, I'm just aiming to point out its existence, Brad Warthen has done a good job of dissecting what's to like about this video and what's to not.

Read that analysis over here.

FITSNews was less kind about the commercial than either of us though, calling it a "vomit-mercial."

Personally, I find taking your cues from a campaign Microsoft started after getting walloped by Apple is already questionable.

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