Fighting fraud: All handicap placards to be reissued, will have photos

Image by Flickr user Netream

After abuse of handicap placards became too much to bear, a new law was passed to suppress abuse of the premium-parking system.

As result of that the S.C. Department of Motor Vehicles is now requiring that all placards holders get new photo-bearing ones by January 1.

Here's the details from the DMV press release:

Effective January 1, 2010, SCDMV will begin issuing disabled placards that contain a photo of the individual to whom the placard was issued, along with certificates verifying their eligibility. Customers currently holding a valid disabled placard may keep their current placard until it expires, or until December 31, 2012, whichever comes first. Once their placard expires, customers with disabled placards will have to recertify their disability with their physician before they can obtain a photo-bearing placard. 

If a customer loses his current disabled placard, he can receive a replacement, non-photo- bearing placard without having to recertify with a physician, as long as the placard has not expired; however, the replacement will bear a December 31, 2012 expiration date.

Only one photo-bearing placard will be issued per customer and the cost is $1.00.

“The biggest change for most customers will be the photo-ID placard. We will use the individual’s driver license, beginner permit or identification card photo on the placard so everyone that applies must have a photo on file,” said SCDMV Executive Director Marcia Adams. “It’s not something we’ve done before so it will be an adjustment for many people. We will do all we can to assist customers during this transition.”

Vehicle owners with disabled license plates must also carry registration certificates that list the names of all eligible disabled persons in their household that operate or may be transported in the vehicle. When customers renew their disabled license plate, they will receive a new license plate and registration certificate.

Businesses are not required to certify with a physician. Businesses with disabled license plates must also carry registration certificates. Business certificates will not list names of disabled persons. The certificate will state that the vehicle is entitled to park in designated parking spaces.

Applications for the new disabled placards and plates will be available in December online at and in SCDMV field offices.

Vehicles displaying a disabled license plate or placard may only park in designated spaces if that vehicle is driven by or is transporting the disabled individual whose name appears on the license plate registration certificate or placard certificate.

You can learn more and how to get your new placard over here.

Hat tip to the wire report.

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