Image by Flickr user eyeliam Image by 20090917-flag.jpg
A teen who was blocked from wearing Confederate-blazoned clothing has lost a battle against and upstate school district.
But the attorneys are vowing to appeal the federal ruling.
The Associate Press has the story.
p.s. While doing some digging I stumbled on this rant against the Confederate flag. What is missed by so many is that part of the reason (perhaps the largest reason) the South loves its flag is that we just want to stick it to "them Northerners that don't understand."
Does that undo the racist elements imbued into the flag? No. But the unwillingness of those to have a reasonable discussion only preserves the flag's role in the South.
Perhaps the best annolgy to make is to that of a Chinese finger trap.
Also, interesting parallels can be drawn in the European reaction against Nazi symbols -- again a cause that was rooted in economics but devolved into different styles of racism.