NAACP challenges Haley's flying of Confederate Flag

Flickr user jimmywayne

NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous took some time during his keynote address at the 102nd Annual NAACP Convention's First Plenary Session to air out his feelings about Governor Nikki Haley's decision to publicly fly the Confederate Flag in front of the S.C. Statehouse.

One main reason why Haley's flying of the flag has caused such an uproar is because she is the daughter of Indian immigrants--the first minority South Carolina governor.

Jealous stated, “Perhaps one of the most perplexing examples of the contradictions of this moment in history is that Nikki Haley, South Carolina’s first Governor of Color, continues to fly the Confederate Flag in front of her state’s capitol. Given the similarities between our struggles to end slavery and segregation, and her ancestors’ struggle to end British colonialism and oppression in India, my question to Governor Haley is one that Dr. King often asked himself: ‘What would Gandhi do?’”

Haley's press secretary, Rob Godfrey, stated that the matter was settled over ten years ago, when the flag was moved from the Statehouse dome and the House and Senate chambers to a monument for Confederate soldiers.

Get more on the debate and both sides of the argument over at The Post and Courier's in-depth report here.

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