Michael Mitchell Gallery welcomes
The Fashion Group International® of Charleston, Inc.
Thursday, Nov 11, 2010 from 6:30-8:00pm
To learn about one of the most prestigious international organizations opening a region in Charleston in 2011 - The Fashion Group International ®! The Fashion Group International® is a global non-profit organization with 5,000 professionals in the fashion industry, including apparel, accessories, beauty and home.
Michael Mitchell Gallery
438 King St, Downtown Charleston
Guests will enjoy wine & hors d'oeuvres, meet the Charleston Board of Directors, network with other industry professionals and learn about the perks of becoming a member when the Region opens in 2011.
To find out more about the organization, go to www.charleston.fgi.org
To find out more about the event, contact Rosanna Krekel, Regional Director @ 843-696-2688 or email charleston@fgi.org
Ticket price: $40 (limited space available)
To order tickets, click here
or call 843-345-4712