7:07 am on Friday July 29, 2011
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Make your home safer during hurricane season with grants from the goverment
Flickr user Marrie-II
purple doesn't hurt..
Want to make your home safer and lower your insurance costs in the process? The S.C. Department of Insurance are offering grants to coastal homeowners to do just that.
Through the South Carolina Department of Insurance's S.C. Safe Home program, coastal properties within the wind pool with an assessed or insured value of the residence not exceeding $300,000 could possibly be eligible. (For complete requirements see here).
The grant provides assistance with
- Roof-deck attachment
- Secondary water barrier
- Roof covering
- Brace gable ends
- Reinforce roof-to-wall connections
- Opening protection
- Exterior doors, including garage doors
- Tie-downs
- Problems associated with weakened trusses, studs and other structural components
- Repair or replacement of manufactured homes piers, anchors and tie-down straps
- Other mitigation techniques approved by the Advisory Committee
To find out more about the grant, how to apply and to see if can qualify check out the S.C. Safe Home programs website.
The Pawley's Island newspaper, The Coastal Observer has more information about the program including two information forums addressing the confusion surrounding home insurance in the wind pool. Read more about it here.